About Us

About Us

This is your story.
The story of belonging and a nonchalant experience.

KLASSE represents a utopian experience characterized by thoughtfully designed collections where form follows function. Driven by passion for all things design, we carpenter and sew to produce pieces that are unique in character and vivid in design. Home is where the heart is, isn’t is? Each of our collections emote spaces with informal yet meaningful storytelling. Experience electric and elegance designs with KLASSE.

Attention to detail has been a core philosophy at KLASSE. Our collections are inspired by global design and Indian craftsmanship. Produced by labour of love, relentless efforts are out to select high-quality materials. Each veneer, fabric, leather, marble and metal inlay goes through counteless fabrication iteration to permute a perfect combination of design and materiality.

Our Vision

We envision ingraining subtle but perceptible design vocabulary into your interior grammar. Adding to the original artisan character of each of our pieces with irrefutable attention to colours, textures, finishes, and art-deco, KLASSE’s collection is the epitome of global design ingenuity and immaculate Indian craftsmanship. KLASSE offers an assortment of independent products and collections that exhibit uniqueness, veracity, and distinguished flair of “Made in India”.

Our Mission

Our goal is to enrich lifestyles with our designs. Crafted with a diligent balance of functionality and distinction, our collection proffers your living spaces with a profound character that boasts finesse in every detail. Careful deliberation for selected materials and balanced proportions characterise KLASSE’s nonpareil quality and standards.